Bolivia - play it !!
Starting from ..Santiago --> Arica --> Putre

Citta' di Putre ( ..el pueblo)
Lauca National Park

..Vicugnas ..


PARINACOTA pueblo - 4392 m

In Inca mythology Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting. She causes earthquakes. Llamas are sacrificed to her. After conquest by Catholic her image was masked by the Virgin Mary.
Since Pachamama is a "good mother", people usually toast to her honor before every festivity, in some regions by spilling a small amount of chicha on the floor, before drinking the rest.
This toast is called "challa" and its made almost everyday.
So ;) .. Cheers! to Pachamama .. !!

Gregorio e il suo Mate' ... il + buono .. in tutta Parinacota !!

CHUNGARA lake - 4500 m altitude


Bolivia --> we're going to La Paz ..
El Alto - high La Paz city - 4150 m
La Paz is located in the valley of the Andes. You can see in front of the city the famous mountain called " Illimani" (guardian of La Paz)
Rapinatori o ..
Lustrascarpe ??

Play it !!

I "Micro" - La Paz Public transport !!
Artigianato e pozioni magiche.. di tutto e di + ..

Sucre - Capitale Costituzionale
-> Play it <-

.. i suoi Mercati
la carne
la frutta
la verdura
partite in piazza ..
Votazioni - il referendum : tutto fermo aspettando x la riconferma !!

San Juan Hostel

and much upwards .. Gaysers - 4900 m altitude

San Pedro di Acatama - Acatama Desert

.. by bicycle - 45 km up and down ..

Calama e la miniera di rame - Chuquicamata


ed infine ..
la Palta..
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